Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ok so I worked my last official shift at the shoe store...I cried..I had to give my key to the new guy. But Matt is great and I am on the fill in staff list...I owe them money for some shoes so I will have to work if off sooner or later!! And when I was starting to panic because I didn't have a job Ken from G&T told me that Brenda needs two more weeks off. God is Good. So that gets me to the middle of April. And next week I have an interview with the "Placement Group" a Temp Agency. So often you find full time work after you have been somewhere, That's how I got the Honeywell Job 9 years ago. So that is my news. Hope you enjoying my saga....


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the interview Dayna.
...How about some pictures of the "little Oak!"


Louise said...

Glad to hear you got a bit of an extension! Keep me posted!